Hire Basket

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Rental Dates:

Remove item Thumbnail image Product Rental fee (2 days) Quantity Rental fee (03/04/2025 to 04/04/2025)
× Lectrosonics 606 Block unpopulated Venue receiver rack £40.00
× Lectrosonics 606 IFBR1a IEM receiver £20.00
× Lectrosonics Block 26 SMb Transmitter £22.50
× Clip on Antenna - 3m BNC feeder CH606 £2.00
× Lectrosonics Block 26 SRa5P Receiver £60.00
× Lectrosonics Block 21 SMDb Transmitter £30.00
× Lectrosonics Block 21 UCR411a Receiver £35.00
× Lectrosonics ISO9VOLT Battery Eliminator £1.00
× Lectrosonics 606 Block UCR411a Receiver £30.00
× TCS SyncBac Pro (for GoPro H6/H7) £25.00
× Timecode Systems :Pulse £40.00
× TCS Denecke TS-TCB Slate £40.00

Basket totals

Rental fee (03/04/2025 to 04/04/2025) £427.50

Shipping options will be updated during checkout.

VAT £85.50
Total £513.00